
The road is governed by rules and regulations that ensure order is maintained on the roads at all times. These rules and regulations are derived from international, regional, and Kenyan law. As a road user, you should be knowledgeable of these rules as it is the initial step in ensuring that you and other road users are safe on the road.

Relevant Documents

These rules and regulations can be found in the following documents:

  • The Traffic Act
  • The Highway Code

The Traffic Act

The Traffic Act sets out the laws that govern the use of roads and the expected conduct of road users. It also includes some of the penalties and fines for road users who do not abide by these laws.

Highway Code

The Highway Code is a set of information, advice, guides, and mandatory rules for all road users in Kenya. It provides guidelines for animals, pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. The purpose of the Highway Code is to promote safety, responsible behavior, and courtesy at all times.

It is your responsibility as a road user to read the Traffic Act and Highway Code and learn the essential rules for safe driving or riding and the general rules of behavior in traffic regarding safety, courtesy, and responsibility.

Traffic Regulations

Below are some of the traffic regulations that can also be found in the Traffic Act and the Highway Code:

  • Use of the Horn: When necessary, to warn other road users.
  • You may only use your car horn while your vehicle is moving and you need to warn other road users of your presence.
  • Do not use the horn when you are stationary on the road.
  • Do not use the horn aggressively even when the other road users are at fault.
  • Do not use your horn at places where the ‘No Hooting’ sign has been placed.
  • Do not use your horn at designated areas where hooting is always prohibited (e.g., hospitals and schools).
  • Give Right-of-Way: For specific vehicles, road users, or in specific situations such as:
  • Police cars.
  • Emergency vehicles such as fire engines and ambulances sounding the siren or with flashing lights.
  • The presidential motorcade.
  • When asked to do so by a police officer or traffic marshal.
  • Pedestrian Range: You should not ride or drive in areas of the road designated for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Traffic Signs and Signals: Traffic signs and signals are used to communicate on the road.
  • There are two types of traffic signals: hand signals and light signals.
  • Traffic signs are used to guide, provide information, and warn all road users. Most signs fall within three broad categories although there are exceptions. These are:
    • Triangle: Warning
    • Circle: Giving an order
    • Rectangle: Informing

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